
Offal; Nature’s superfood!

Packed with minerals, amino acids and vitamins A, D, and B12.

Incredibly tasty, Nutritious, and healthy

Offal: Nature’s superfood.

Incredibly tasty, Nutritious, and healthy

Within Waez & Lam we cherish core values, where possible we also like to continue this tradition. Likewise, we are serious about showing respect and appreciation for the animals we slaughter, our health and reducing waste by using everything from the slaughtered animal from head to toe.

This is how our parents and our grandparents taught us this, a food culture where everything from the animal is used, nothing is lost. The most delicious dishes are the result. Organ meats are one of the most nutritious foods on the planet, packed with minerals, vitamins and amino acids that are very important for our health. Guess our parents and grandparents already knew this, just like our customers do now.

Why offal?

Organ meats, the natural superfood of our planet.

Incredibly tasty, Nutritious, and healthy

Offal is packed with minerals, and amino acids

Offal contains 3x more collagen protein than meat

Offal contains vitamins A, D, and B12.

Offal contains a lot of copper which helps with the absorption of iron